

  • Hey Girl! I am surprised as well that there are no calories burned by working with weights! However, I have read in multiple places and exercise hints that working with weights burns fat and it also helps you tone (which is all of our goals, I believe)! So, keep up the good work and stick with it because I truely believe…
  • Great Job.. Martinroscoe! I just joined a few days ago as well and love it already also! =) Good Luck!! You Can Do It!
    in Hi All Comment by Ginnyland January 2011
  • Good For You!! I have been a wife since I was your age and a mother since I was getting 22, taking care of my family is my #1 priority!! (And I love that) But along the years I put on weight and forgot to take care of me! :ohwell: But I started thinking they way you are right now and decided to focus on me for a while and…
  • When I first started drinking diet drinks, I went with diet pepsi because pepsi was my drink. however, i didn't really care for it in diet. (lol) Diet Dr. Pepper is all i drink now. It was a little strong at first and it's not good hot, but a good and cold one is the way to go. It is very similar to the regualar dr.…