plain_jane Member


  • Congrats! Isn't it a great feeling?
  • I'm 5'4". I am sure you look good at 5'6" and 135, but it's easy to be critical of ourselves. I'm not really happy with the way I look yet but I've made big improvements! Thanks for the encouragement.
  • hmm, the pictures aren't working, sorry. I'm kind of a novice to the message boards, although I lurked here frequently. They are in my profile though.
  • I think most people prefer running outside and perform better outside as you can stride out a bit more and get less bored. I actually enjoy the treadmill because it allows me to regulate my speed and push myself a little more, but I think I might be a little weird that way. ETA: Good job on the 5K! :)
  • Maybe SHE was tempted by it in the store and gave in to buying it, but then her better judgement prevailed (being diabetic, and all) so she brought it for others who can and want to to partake? Or, maybe it's something she would really LIKE to have, even though she can't, so she assumed it would be a nice gesture to share…
  • I prefer the second one, but you will look gorgeous in either!
  • I go down to the basement, chase the kids upstairs, shut the door and threaten them that I don't want to hear from them or see them unless there's blood or fire! You're brave, but I can't stand working out in front of my kids. I don't even really like it when they're in the same room while I'm on the treadmill. Ironically,…
  • Me too! Taking them off at the end of the day without having worked out would be a major failure, so I have to get it done.
  • Sounds like your grilling = our broiling To me, grilling is cooking your food on an outdoor grill, sometimes known as a barbecue, usually the heat comes from below, either from gas or coals. It's so interesting to see the little language differences we have, isn't it?
  • Just out of curiosity, what do all of you with low rhr's do to get your heart rate up during exercise? Since I've been running more, I notice that my heart rate doesn't get going nearly as much as it used to and I wonder if I'm getting as good of a workout in, even though I'm going further and faster than before. I'm…
  • Ugh...I like oatmeal but now I may not be able to get that thought out of my head next time I eat it.
  • I have always weighed myself almost daily. The only time I stopped was in the last two years while my weight creeped up into the overweight category. I knew it wasn't a number I wanted to see so I stopped weighing. Now that I'm back to a healthy weight, I will continue to weigh daily just to keep an eye on it. I don't…
  • I made the same change last week, because my weight loss had slowed to .5 pound per week anyway. I dropped two pounds! I am still hesitant about what will continue to happen, but if I continue to lose, even slowly, while worrying less about restricting my calories, it will be awesome. Also, it's a good step toward figuring…
  • I use Sara Lee 45 calories and delightful for my PB&J's. It's got that smooth texture.
  • (super skinny) son was watching TV and a commercial for some weight loss drug came on and mentioned the dreaded "muffin top" and showed one magically melting away, and he (ever so innocently) yells out, "Hey, mom has a muffin top!" That, and I had ripped out the crotch of some favorite jeans the week before from…
  • Cool! I just checked that out and it worked--I'm so glad MFP includes that option for nursing moms. That's awesome. I'm not nursing anymore but it sure was easier to lose weight when I was! (I know that's not true for everyone).
  • I'm still recovering from what I am pretty sure is influenza. I was pretty lethargic for a whole week with a low grade fever and now I have chest congestion and a cough, but slightly more energy. I still tracked what I ate but didn't worry if I was over or under. I actually didn't have much of an appetite so I was some…