jacosta86 Member


  • Well my Goal as of now is I just had a baby December 2013. I was 128 pre preg and went up to 160 now I pretty much lost most of my weight just need one more pound to get to 128 but I started 8 pounds over weight. So my Goal til April 26 is go down to 120. Then by May go to 115. I am making small goals since my idea weight…
  • I am 26 years old and have a beautiful son. I am currently a stay at home mom. I am engaged to the love of my life, 7 years and still going strong. I am short 4' 10". The ideal weight for my height is 91 lbs to 120 lbs. I have been back and fourth with my weight since the day I had my son 6 years ago. I never suffered from…
  • My name is Jessica. I am 26 years old and have a beautiful son. I am currently a stay at home mom. I am engaged to the love of my life, 7 years and still going strong. I love to have fun and laugh. I love to read anything that captivates my interests. I love to go to the movies, dancing, shopping, and taking pictures. I…