

  • I get what you are saying for sure...I've been doing really good, too, and I feel like if I take any time off I'm letting myself down. But, that's not just have to make sure you stay with it next week. I'm not sure what you are doing this weekend, but maybe if it's shopping, park in one of the farthest parking…
  • I definitely get why you'd be nervous about the lack of coordination...I'm the same way. I also, at the moment, don't belong to a gym. That's why I do Zumba for the Wii... I can do it in the comfort of my own home and no one has to see me. Plus, the moves are really easy to pick up, so it's confusing for about 2 seconds…
  • I have Zumba for the Wii and I LOVE it! No, you don't need the fitness board or anything else except for the wii remote. you are supposed to buy the strap to attach it to your waist, but i just wear tight fitting pants and stick it in the side lol. it really gets you moving. i've used it for 2 weeks now and i love it...the…
  • I definitely get the self conscious thing...I think everyone feels that way. That's one of the reasons I don't go to a gym. I do zumba at home on the Wii and it's great. It gets you moving and even though you feel clumsy at the beginning, once you learn the steps, it's really fun. They are easy routines to pick up. And it…
    in Zumba? Comment by gatorliz January 2011
  • I'm on my second week of zumba...I have it for the Wii and I absolutely love it. I felt really stupid at first because I didn't know the steps, but you learn them quickly. I feel accomplished since I'm not clumsy like I was at the beginning but actually kind of good at it. I've been eating only at meal times and drinking a…