

  • Go out to dinner, enjoy yourself !!! Your goals should be a life style change not a temporary quick fix ... i.e. a diet. The research the restaurant early suggestion is a great suggestion as well as eat 1/2 the meal and bag the rest. I have been "obnoxious" enough to ask for menu's with dietary information, I even ask them…
  • If Calories in - Calories out = -3500 calories then you lose a pound. 2 McD's cheeseburgers, and a medium fry and a medium Coke will put you at about 1200 calories. As opposed to being able to eat healthy all day.
  • My wife and I took before pictures, we take pictures, as well as weight, pinch test and tape measurements weekly. We track everything on a spreadsheet. It is very motivating to seeing numbers go down, and new muscle definition weekly. Keeps the motivation up.
  • You can certainly eat beef and maintain your diet, you just need to measure your foods and moderate. We (my wife and I) we just make certain we measure what we are eating and that we stay within our calorie limits and keep our carbs, proteins and fat %'s are in balance for our diet at the time. You may not be able to eat 1…
  • P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge. I think the point of P90X it's not about doing every exercise perfectly or keeping up with the program. For myself I found the first phase (3 weeks)…
  • My wife and I make veggie egg white omellets every Sunday, Basically we make about (5) 18 Packs of eggs add some tomato, peppers, onions, brocolli and a dash of cheese and then put the eggs in a cake pan and bake it. Then we measure out the portions and put them in tupperware for the week. It takes elss than 2 minutes to…
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