

  • You look great! What workouts do you do?
  • I'm in the same boat! I can totally relate! I'm thin, but out of shape and I've always had a little pouch. I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. She does a lot of strength training, which is good for toning, but also incorporates cardio, so we're burning fat. I love that it's 20 minutes. I did level 1 for a few…
  • I think we all can use a supplement in magnesium. The foods that are high in magnesium are usually the ones we rarely eat and the soil is also very deficient in magnesium, so it's really hard to tell if we are getting enough through our diet. But research shows, about 80% is deficient. Also, magnesium can be easily lost…
  • Thanks for the post. I experienced a crazy bout of anxiety and depression after having my first son. It was probably the scariest experience I've ever had in my life. I was at such a low place and somehow found Natural Calm, a magnesium supplement which has really helped with the symptoms of both. I have much more clarity…