

  • Thank you! I need someone to stay after me. I've been doing it at work before I leave to go get my son, but have been a littl inconsistent. I HAVE to make progress on here for so many reasons. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • My husband says "water" for soreness! He's one of those hot, athletic types, so I snarl at him and grab coffee, but he really does know a lot about athletic dedication.
  • I am a 26 year old working mom of 1...but, I've gained a desk baby. I work lots of hours in the day, night and on the weekend. I carry a lot of stress as well, which, no doubt, does not help. I own 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michael's dvd), wii fit, Y membership and free facility membership in my hometown, a Gazelle at home and…