

  • It's really lovely here-- toooo cold today to be lovely, but usually I love it here lol. Where do you guys live now?
  • I already moved :D I live in San Marcos for now then we will be moving in a year or less to Austin! and thats funny that they edited your town name ahahahah 8-D
  • I'm a Bride To Be as well so I would love to be here for you encouragment wise! I'll send you a friend request so we can better stay in touch and get to know one another! I know that if we set the goals we can most def. achieve them and fit into those wedding gowns!
  • Being poor and in College takes it toll on your diet needless to say. I was about 127 in highschool, then in college due to eating out and poorly since it was cheap to grab 2 dollar menue iteams from mc'ds--- I went up to about 145-- now I work at a call center sitting on butt all day and with no exercise and too much soda…