ropsnik Member


  • Try Monk fish (it tastes like Lobster). Halibut and Tilapia are also very good and not fishy tasting.
  • Congrats and well done. You have found and are following one of the secrets of life......will power.
    in Amazed Comment by ropsnik November 2010
  • Some good recipes can be found on this link. Copy it and paste it to your browser.
  • I too have bad knees and also felt a bit embarrased being a 60 year old on a treadmill in a gym filled with people less than half my age. However, I found through wearing a Hear Rate Monitor that my HR never went above 95 when I did 3 miles of walking outdoors. I also did find that on a treadmill that when you raise the…
  • I buy a large container of black seedless grapes, wash them and then freeze them in small tupperware containers. About 30 grapes = 48 calories, 12 carbs and 1 g of fiber. And they are quite thirst quenching and tasty.
  • I have found that the calories counters on the treadmills are overstated against the results from my Heart Rate Monitor. I also have found the results of my HRM are in the ball park with the MFP calorie counts.
  • I have found that I can just as easily do a 30 minute conference call on my cell phone while walking outside instead of sitting behind a desk.
  • Try this web site:
  • Try this web site:
  • I recently played a round of golf pulling my cart on a short course. I walked over 3 miles, in 2 hrs + 30 minutes and wore my Heart Rate Monitor because I was curious on the calories. I did burn 980 calories but my heart rate never got over 80 bpm. Yes, you do burn calories but it is not an aerobic workout. Hit em straight…
  • I have been using a heart rate monitor for months and have found that the HRM is much closer to the results on MFP than on the machines at the gym. I would recommend that your get a HRM.
  • Welcome to MFP. I am approaching 60 in a few months and have found this site and the people to be very motivating. Besides MFP, I found reading a book call "Younger Next Year" by Chris Crowley and Dr Harry Lodge to be a real eye opener. It deals with feeling better each year as you age and is recommended for anyone 50 yrs…
  • May God bless you and your family for your sacrifice. Happy 4th to you and your buddies. From a Vietnam vet - 1969-1971.
  • You get what you pay for. I would suggest you look at Polar, Garmin or Timex for starters. I have been using a Polar for 6 months and it works every time. Best regards!
  • I like to make a snack using a slice of turkey breast lunch meat and rolling it around a wedge of light Swiss Laughing Cow.
  • I think the timer is your solution. And here is a good link someone posted on MFP long ago for crock pot recipes.
  • If you have an iPhone, try the MFP free App. I use this site and type in the restaurant name and choose my meal before I even meet the server. And it is a great way to pass time if you have waiting time before they seat you.
  • You can do this. I am approaching 60 and have type 2 Diabetes. And I found after losing 40 pounds, my sugar levels dropped to almost a normal level. A lifestyle change of diet and exercise will get you there. Try reading a book called "Younger Next Year" by Chris Crowley and Dr. Harry Lodge. It does a great job explaining…
  • Thanks for sharing. Can you provide the web link for this article? Thank you!
  • Thanks for sharing. Is there a web link for this info?
  • Fifty pounds is a reasonable goal. I know it can be done and I wish you the best. Best wishes that your lifestyle change of diet and excercise helps you in reaching your goal.
  • I have been using a Polar HRM for about 6 months and rely on it for monitoring all of my workouts. It only malfunctioned once and it was my fault. When I started losing weight, I found that I needed to adjust the chest strap. Go to the Polar web site and view their products. I think any HRM would be a better tracking tool…
  • Your posting is the first step in the right direction. I think you will experience the benefits of a lifestyle change of diet & exercise once you get going. Best regards as you continue your journey.
  • Try the original Egg Beaters. 1 cup = 120 calories and makes a nice size omelet.
  • Join the club. I am pushing 60 and have similar goals as you. Today on my weigh in , I finally surpassed my lowest weight in 8 years. It has taken alot of sweat at the gym (which I now enjoy), alot of support from my wife and exercise buddy and using MFP daily to track food and keep motivated. If you are over 50, read a…
  • I have found a new snack that is quite thirst quenching. Place black or red seedless grapes in a plastic container with a lid in your freezer. Remove the grapes from the stems and wash before freezing. The frozen grapes melt in your mouth and taste like a popcicle when chewed. one grape = 3 calories and 1 carb. Enjoy
  • My trainer tried to sell me a body bugg at 24 hr fitness. It counts calories but it does not have a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar HRM and use this as my tool to track my calories, avg heart rate, Max heart rate, time in zone during my workouts at the gym or while playing golf. I have been using it for 6 mos and I am…
  • I think it is all about making a lifestyle change. Fad diets and gimmics do not work. If you eat healthy and exercise, the weight comes off and you can improve overall health. And if you have an ice cream once in a while, then that is your reward to continue on.
  • I travel alot and have the MFP app on my iPhone. It is great tool for me by making meal choices while waiting to be seated or in helping me choose what I want to eat. Before I meet the waitress, I can pass the waiting time by scanning the food items on their menu. Most of the more popular restaurants have their food in the…
  • Best regards as you start your journey with MFP. This is all about a lifestyle change, people motivating each other, watching what you eat and getting exercise. Good luck!