itzmelaura Member


  • I hate exercising, but found "Hip Hop Abs" and l love it! It gets your heart pumping, there are 6 diff DVD's so you aren't always doing the same thing. It says it is all about ab work, but my legs were sore for a week and well as my chest muscles from the arm movements! Check it out :) Exercise had never been so much fun!
  • Welcome! You will find tons of people here that will support you and cheer you on. There is also a lot of information to help you be successful in your goals. Good luck!:bigsmile:
  • It's really easy to say, "Kick him out" but your first statement was "I love this man." Time to ask yourself why you love him... and secondly, ask yourself why you felt the need to go through his phone and email. Evidently there is still trust issues there (for you) and he is proving that there should be trust issues. If…
  • That is awesome! Congrats!
  • I was going to mention to up your caloric intake, but Christianwife beat me to it. Sometimes you will hit a plateau and have to actually eat more to lose weight. Your body will adjust it out. And even though it seems horrific, 2 pounds isn't really that bad! Imagine how much you've lost, and know that you are on the right…