

  • I agree - though it might seem odd, I find it better to schedule snacks and eat them whether I'm hungry or not. Guaranteed if I didn't eat at snack time I'd get caught out half an hour later when I was passing a cake shop or something and suddenly need a little something.... It was hard at first, but it's become easier the…
  • When I first started on this site, I logged my usual meals and found that I was eating way under the target - apparently it's called "starvation mode" (even though I wasn't starving!!). That explained why whenever I dieted I never lost weight!! I now try and get as near to the calories as I can although sometimes this…
  • You look fantastic! What an inspiration!! Thanks for posting - you've motivated me to try even harder to reach my goal before our holiday (and subsequent photos!!).
  • I was the same at first - could only last 5 mins. But I've been increasing by 1 minute every other day and am now up to 25 minutes - it's taken a while but it's been a fairly painless process. I still don't love the machine but I find putting music on really helps..