

  • This is very interesting and a question I've also had before. But what none of the comments/articles address is the following: 'They' say that when working out vigorously (and particularly when lifting weights), our bodies burn more calories for a period of time AFTER the workout, in order to 'repair' the muscles and also…
  • I'm about 5'3.5", although I tell everyone I"m 5'4" :smile: Its interesting that you are evaluating your goal, as I've been doing the same thing. When I started, I didn't want to set an unrealistic goal that would de-motivate me. I chose 130 lbs, as I remember that being a comfortable weight when I was also in fairly good…
    in anyone 5'3" Comment by shepali May 2011
  • I am NOT a cook....but I lived in Seattle for 11 years and got pretty good at salmon. Now a disclaimer.....Atlantic salmon and Pacific or Alaskan salmon are VERY different. Of course, I prefer Pacific :smile: I also find that farm raised Pacific is more similar to wild Pacific, than Atlantic farm raised is to wild…
  • Wow! I've been searching and reading the posts for over 30 minutes - and this one finally MADE SENSE to me. So, thank you katbass. This should be made into a sticky post, or should be added to the 'read this first' section!