meeksfour Member


  • Fell free to add! I know that every day is a challenge and choices with food and exercise are difficult to make, but once you do you feel great about it!
  • I’m in the right frame of mind and am on point right now with food & fitness. I have an open food diary and would love a few new people on my MFP daily feed. I have lost 25 and want to loose 25 more by summer. mid 40’s....please add me if you would like encouragement words too! Make your dreams a reality 😊
  • Add me if you like. I was just reviewing my log that spans as far back as 2012.....WOW I'm still on this crazy train. I am back at it with support from my husband and showing my boys that you have to stay after it no matter the time it takes to reach your goal.
  • Yes please add me! Fitbit and MFP work well together, back at it after a few years.
  • I have a fitbit too! Working together is helpful, please add
  • You can really see a huge change in your face. WTG!
  • So cool! Doing the happy dance for you. I also have been trying to reach that goal since november, not there yet. You have an awesome day!
  • Count me in! My birthday is May 3rd and am 5'4 too. I am looking to loose the same amount so I can reach my goal before our birthdays and Mother's Day Baseball. I have a few mini goals to get me there. Right now I want to get to -10 by the end of soccer season in six weeks... Soccer for my son who is 6. Then treat myself…
  • Hello there. Yep, you have come to the right place. MFP is so easy and the friends really do help keep you going. Friend me if you like, this way we can try not to make chocolate chip cookies every day ;) Two boys, 6 and 3 1/2 Two dogs One husband
  • May 3rd Whoo Hoo! First page, it was ment to be. Happy birthday to you early.
  • Yep, mini goals work best for me. I tried to pick something I could dress up for and know there will be pictures. This way I have a photo journal of every ten pounds. First 10, murder mystery girls weekend. Second 10 was a concert to see def leopard and poison with my husband. Third 10 will be a spa day (-40). Goal weight…
  • That's a cool goal, can I take that idea and run... Hahaha... I know it's lame. But really, I'm going to try this. Thanks for the motivation. Good luck to you!
  • I need to do this too! I have been a slacker the past month and I need to get back to business. I do better with mini goals, so maybe by feb 9th it should be -10 from now. Agree: log food, exercise and more exercise. Focus!
  • Road blocks are hard to move past, I'm right there too. Somebody suggested C25K ( I had to google it... Couch to 5k run). I was like ok, so now I'm using the free phone app ( you can pay for the version that lets you play your music as the background). I just did week 6 day 3 not so bad. I am currently running at a 3.0…
  • My good husband dropped me off to get a subway then I had to sit at In and Out as my family proceeded to eat double-double's with grilled onions and cheese. Lucky for me all my boys are skinny and need the calories, me not so much. Oh how I wanted to sneak bites of the fries and I had to share my baked chips with them too.…
  • To keep my hands busy enought so I don't eat anything since everyone is asleep in my house. Oh, did I say looser too. LOL Have a great night!
  • You are awesome! I will do the happy dance for you, have a great vacation. Take lots of pictures.
  • As of 10/26 I am at 173.5 so a total loss of 7 pounds. Not bad. We have 5 days to bust a move and reach our goal! This is hard work, be proud of yourself for how far you all have come. Have a successful weekend.
  • Current weight 176.0 minus 0.5 I will take it.
  • Ok help me out here, I can't figure out how you are going back into your old post to update your weights. Thanks for any schooling you would like to dish out :)
  • Current weight (9/25) 176.5 the same :( Had a weird week, had a cut on my finger and doc didn't like how it was healing so he put me on heavy antibiotics that make you sick. So have eaten to settle stomach and that was not good and on top of that I have either not worked out or not as hard as I should. Last night doc ended…
  • It gets a little easier every time you do it. You are on the right track and will reach your goal. Stay focused, you have this.
  • Current weight (9/18) 176.5 Had an awesome weekend, with great music and a few food splurges. Slow and steady, stay focused everybody!
  • The above was start date. I have reached my goal mini goal a bit early so I hope to keep the momentum going. Have a reward weekend in two days, going to a concert with husband. Can't wait! Start weight (9/3) 180.5 Current weight (9/11) 178.0 Goal weight (10/31) 168.0 To all on this post.... Great job on your loss so far…
  • Where will that be.... At my house? LOL... No really, will you make a new thread or will we come back to this one? I'm new at this sorry for the blog 101 questions.
  • Game on! No costume for me, however I might be in a few pics with my boys on Halloween. I have a mini goal to be -20 lbs by next fri sept 14th, so I will go from there. Let's make it 12.5 lbs lost by our due date of Halloween. Also, just did day one of C25K. Argh! Here we go.... Current weight: 180.5 (yuck yuck yuck!!!!)…
  • You had me at Chico! My husband and I did our undergraduate work at Chico oh so long ago. Super fun and always loved the impromptu trips to Tahoe. Good times. Ok, I'll bite. I will have to look up the program and work it into my gym time. Add me if you like.
  • You are an instant chick magnet! It's all about the group effort, get your story out to a few choice girls and they will take you under their wing and keep you on track. So you say you can't do that... Just drop a few hints and it's game on! You have this, good luck my friend.
  • I had something similar happen to me about two weeks ago. I was stressing over it, but the restaurant was so accommodating. I did not have the starter since they didn't have clear soup, then for dinner I had a field greens salad with candied walnuts, blackened grilled chicken and dressing on side. During dessert when…