

  • Welcome back! I've just started tracking regularly myself and want to keep the momentum going! Have 75 lbs to lose. Thanks to everyone on this board for showing that being accountable works. I'm looking for friends too; feel free to add :)
  • That's awesome. Wish I'd done this when I was your age! But I guess there's no good time in your life to let your weight hold you back. It's never too late. :) I've struggled with my weight since I was 11 years old and finally feel like I'm on the right track. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Looking to lose 75 lbs by my 35th bday (8 months away). I gained 40 lbs during my first 2 years of college and it snowballed from there. I spent the last 10 years in an exhausting job I hated, which left me with no energy or desire to be active. Basically I feel I've wasted my 20s using my weight as an excuse. No more! I…