

  • Getting a BFA in graphic design, with a minor in journalism because writing interests me.
  • Most vegetarians and vegans don't care if you eat meat, OP. We have family and friends who eat it after all. ;) My reason is part religious/spiritual, part documentaries, and part just never really being into it. I used to eat whole racks of ribs by myself, and then one day the desire to eat it just quit. I think the…
  • Best part of this topic is the private message I just got from this guy, who says I will see the error of my ways in four years when I'll "want a real, full grown man....what's more is you'll understand why..." for the post i made on here. :laugh:
  • I love men with slender legs, and skinny jeans accentuates it. If you've got the body type for it, flaunt it. Though I got a thing for cargo pants too. It depends on height. I like skinny jeans on tall art major-types and cargos on stockier guys.
  • I believe everyone can be fit, but what that looks like for everyone is different. Our bodies have natural "resting points", when we hit a weight or state of living and become comfortable and acclimate to such a size, weight, muscle mass, fitness, etc. and it takes real time to change this because we're basically walking…
  • I have a desert which is my downfall, which is the Scottish shortbread cookie -- a small brick shape cookie, which individually are around 110 calories because they have so much butter in them. They are delicious; they are also expensive for a college student, which helps limit my intake of them. When I do have a box…
  • I'm Zeke. Not in Holland as much anymore, but since my parents live here and I went to high school around here thought maybe I'd bump into some cool peeps. I'm 20 and attending university at WMU right now.