

  • I've been away since September and I'm bridesmaid for my friend this summer. Sick of all my nice clothes not fitting and definitely don't want to be the fat bridesmaid! So I'm back and hoping this time to not give up till I'm happy! x
  • Thanks guys. Sorry for being a moan my first time on the chat! Everyone will be avoiding my topics! Lol, think I'm just having a bad week! Thanks for all your chat though, I really appreciate the encouragement!! x
    in Help! Comment by nadia_guidi April 2013
  • Calliope - I do try to keep it healthy though. Don't get me wrong if I've had a good week I might have a meal out or order a take away, but I do try to remain aware of how many calories I'm taking in. x
    in Help! Comment by nadia_guidi April 2013
  • Jessica - My calorie intake is from healthy meals. Home made, mostly low carb. I got a lot of dietry advice from my brother who is a chef. Also exercise wise I do a dance class on a Monday, horse riding twice a week, 8K walk twice a week and I try to do an exercise dvd. I think I need to up my exercise intensity and start…
    in Help! Comment by nadia_guidi April 2013
  • I crush a mixture of nuts and seeds into my yoghurt, it's really obviously need to be careful how much you add though. Happy snacking x
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