

  • I have the Pedusa (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009XID80O/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00). It's durable, has a step counter, calorie counter, distance tracker, 7 day memory, clock, and goal setting. I didn't want to spend a lot, it's only $16.50, and this one turned out to be great!! It's cute too :happy:
  • Not going to lie, I rather enjoying working out to Gangnam Style lol:tongue:
  • Gogochajl, thank you so much that's what I wanted to know!! Wellbert, nope I was just wondering if I needed to force myself to make time to work out (which would be really hard) because the walking wouldn't make a difference. Cute pug by the way, I have one named Samson =]:smile: