
  • I'm on day 4 of induction, which I started before doing enough research, and now that I have I am having serious second thoughts...It's not that I can't do it, although I really can't afford the cost of all the meat I have to eat on this diet, and I don't like the carbon footprint associated with it...I can do it for a few…
    in Atkins? Comment by JKBJenn January 2014
  • (Sorry, I was trying to reply to Lisa's post up-thread...not sure why it's sending my posts to the end...)
    in Atkins? Comment by JKBJenn January 2014
  • As I understand it, the second we start building up any glucose stores at all, those molecules bond with water (like, a lot of it), which explains the huge drop in weight we all experience the first week or two, as well as likely those 4 lbs. you immediately gained when you ate any carbs at all. From the science…
    in Atkins? Comment by JKBJenn January 2014