

  • I try to do something new all the time that way I dont get bored or tired of doing the same thing. I do exercise every day. But its something new every day like mon, wed, fri, i do 30 mins of yoga and 30 mins of aerobics yoga in morning and aerobics in evenings after school. Tuesday and Thursdays i go to a boxing gym bcs…
  • great for you! This site helps so much with tracking foods, excersise and not to mention all the great support you will get from other users. It has definately helped me on my journey. Way to go on your marathons, keep up the good work!
  • Today I still have over 500 left to eat and I just finished supper! This isnt typical bcs on a typical day I have my special k cereal and i take in at least 300 calories. I slept in today so I just went straight into lunch!! My goal is 1200 a day and im normally getting 900 at the most 1000. I do excersise but its only 30…
  • im new to the practice of yoga but I have kind of fell in love with it quickly! I take one hour classes twice a week in the mornings. It wasnt enough for me so I went looking for a DVD so I could do it at home on the days I did not have class. My class with instructor has been more of the energy experiance with calm mood…
  • I still have the same problem. One thing I have been doing is I switched from canned veggies to frozen ones or fresh. Frozen ones seem to work best for me and my family bcs I buy food in bulk and sometimes the fresh ones go bad on me. But frozen veggies have no sodium compared to the canned ones that usually have around…