

  • I never said that I agreed with what she was doing. Quite the opposite. I don't believe in giving people bad advice just to give them validation, and I believe in educating them to make the right decision. Making them feel stupid for asking a question is what bothers me. It just keeps people from asking questions in the…
  • While everyone may have a difference of opinion on this topic I have learned one very important lesson. Never ask for advice on this forum. I went through and read all of the posts that everyone made. Whether or not you agree with what she is doing, she asked a simple question. I'm sure she did not expect to be made to…
  • Extra Virgin Coconut oil is actually used for many purposes. It is fantastic stuff. I'm guessing your main concern is nutrition though. Here is a good site to check. When extra virgin coconut oil is consumed, it can actually…
  • Think about reaching your weight loss goal as climbing a mountain. I have never heard of a mountain that is completely one angle all the way to the top. There are little peaks and plateaus all over a mountain. Your body did a pretty steep climb and found a nice plateau to recover on before finishing the journey. As long as…
  • Something else to think about is the amount of sleep that you are getting at night. The body has a tougher time loosing fat when you don't get enough shut eye. Just a thought.