Try switching up your workouts. Do something that you never do or have never done. Your muscle starts to remember and even if you are going to the gym that often you will not see change. I am also at a plateau but it doesn't sound like I work as hard as you. I changed my calorie intake and started exercising and I have…
I get it! I had lost really quickly and now that I'm working out more and eating less the scale is telling me I'm gaining. Its a horrible feeling to try and fail at something. I think if we hold our head up high and kick the scale to the curb for at least two weeks then possibly it will tell us what we want to hear then.…
So I've heard from numerous sources, no experience myself, but that weight watchers is really easy to make some personalitys obsessive! Aren't we all here because we are a little obsessive over food. Just what anyone needs another reason to think about food all day!
This is really inspiring.