

  • Welcome to the online version - I love my iPod app :) Good luck with the goal, any specific plans on how to do it?
    in new Comment by alisahinzman October 2010
  • yeah, I've heard of using a piece of string - but you then have to MEASURE the piece of string... so... maybe if you had a yard stick this would work - but a tape measure is super cheap! It's probably like a dollar at Wal-mart, the Dollar store, or any craft store :)
  • Hey Stephanie! What a great goal! And it's good to hear from someone else that runs, but doesn't seem to fit that crazy-perfect 8minute mile! It takes me 13:30 to jog a mile (and I can only do the one, before I have to do the whole "walk-jog-walk-jog" thing!) I will be running right along with you in spirit while you…
  • Hey Stu, Great to have you here! I'm not exactly "new" here, nor am I an "oldie" - but I have really found this to be a great tool for me in my track to getting healthier! Good luck! -Alisa
  • Don't feel bad, we all gain weight even when we think we are doing "so well"! And if people are saying things, it's because they notice! Just because you aren't seeing the "weight" on the scale, doesn't mean that your overall appearance isn't better! Your appearance has to do with more than just your weight - it's how you…
  • I used to have this problem, it was from all the perspiration I was having. I found that I had to find the "right" face wash, and balanced it out with using regular anit-bacterial hand soap! I used the hand soap (just the kind that's at your sink - with no added lotions) after I worked out in the morning, on my face, then…
  • Welcome! I'm new as well! Good luck in all your endeavors! -Alisa
  • lol - so nice you said it twice :) Thanks for the welcome.
  • Hi Katie! I'm new as well, and completely understand how you feel about developing some unhealthy habits! But I think you can do it as well, and i think this is a perfect place for support and for finding the right kind of information that we need. Good luck in all that you do! -Alisa