alanod Member


  • Good for you guys, it is always easier when your partner is involved. It's all about one day at a time, and being a bit obsessive about recording every little thing. I believe you should also reward yourselves with something each time you pass a smaller milestone, and a big reward planned at the end. My weakness is for…
  • GooD stuff Scott MFP takes a lot of the guess work out of dieting, it gives me motivation to exercise, especially if I've had a bad calorie day. I especially like the iPhone app for logging food on the run Good luck!!!!!! "the body, to make it last, we must put it first" unknown on a billboard in Auckland NZ
  • I don't worry too much about extra calories as long as I get a good dose of cardio in each day. The hunger pains are just the little overeating monsters death throes. Once he is gone and you see the benefits of your efforts you will be surprised at how much you can eat each day of good stuff, salads, fresh fruit and so on.…
  • Thanks Roger, all the best with your goals