we DID have cable TV in those days.... and it was relatively new so everyone was in on it... we just didn't have 100 sports channels... lmao we had PLENTY of fast food, all of what we have today and then some... pop, soda, nothing was diet soda back then though.... we did have outdoor skating rinks (gone now) and the…
Sugar was indeed invented back than, I was there lmao. however, the AMOUNT of sugar and fructose and glucose and especially HI-Fructose in foods was NOWHERE near what it is today... I think sugar it more of a filler these days, and it help to establish a BLISS point with eating that allows us to consume crappy foods and…
Good for you! I am close to your age and joined because my wife "suggested" it. Joined 4 days ago and have lost 6 pounds so far.