

  • Update 3- So, I've been doing a low carb diet (pro-energy) for 4 weeks now, I had my 4th weigh in on Friday and was still very happy and impressed. Last week I was down another 4.8 lbs, 26 lbs to date. I've really enjoyed how I feel with reducing carbs in my diet. I also have cooked more now than I have in ages. Although I…
  • This is different depending on what diet your doing. I am doing low carb, I have 40-45g of net carbs/day (net carb= # of carbs-# of fibre). I stick to a diet of low carb vegetables (i.e. broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower, zucchini, green onion, spinach, etc), I've eliminated bread and starchy foods from my diet and replaced…
  • *Update* I had my 2nd weigh-in (17 days in) and I'm down another 8.4lbs, 18 lbs total in 17 days, also down 9 inches. I feel great and energized! And since cutting the carbs has put my body in ketosis I never feel hungry! I love this diet! I've also started cooking more for myself and have found that although this diet…
  • I too have been one to bounce around from diet to diet. I had lost a lot of weight when I was a teenager but gained it all back plus more in my early 20"s. I've tried "low-cal" and weight watchers before (multiple times). I've paid for the nutri-system diet too... Nothing worked, I felt that I was starving myself and never…