

  • I have! I went to the baking soda for washing and apple cider vinegar for conditioning back in March and I have no desire to go back to traditional shampoo. I have long naturally curly hair and I have had the worst time finding shampoos/conditioners that work with my hair and don't either A. frizz me out like woah B. make…
  • I have a BodyMedia Fit and I love it. It logs calories burned durign daily acitivity, syncs with MPF so I can log my food here and gives you a daily comparison of Calories In v Out. It logs sleep. It shows you how much activity you did was moderate versus vigorous. My only complaint, as with most things, it doesn't…
  • I am constantly cold and I straight up SHIVER after a workout. No matter how fast I change out of sweaty clothes and take a hot shower I cannot fight off the shivers. When I started dating my fiance 10 years ago we were both hot all the time. Now that I've lose 200 pounds and am cold all the time we fight about temperature…