rgauthier20420 Member


  • Jo, thanks for some recommended moves. You posted as a was typing a response so. A few on the list I've never heard of, but I'll take a look. As for the time, I'll be looking to throw in a few moves at night when everything has quieted down after the day. Again, sort of looking for other that might have a similar…
  • A few responses. I know doing ab workouts doesn't lower bf% (not sure where that is in my post) and I wasn't intending or explaining I wanted to do them everyday either. I understand compound lifts engage your core, but I'd like to do some isolated workouts on them also. I posted asking about others that didn't like doing…
  • This is a recipe for stuffed pepper soup. We subbed the beef for ground chicken breast and even added an extra lb. We also subbed the rice for orzo, but you could use whatever you'd like really. It was damn good and made a big pot. http://diethood.com/stuffed-pepper-soup-kitchenaid-stand-mixer-giveaway/
  • I don't have a trainer background or anything like that, but I thought I'd comment on this simply from my personal experience. I began using MFP about 4 weeks ago at 183.8 and now weight 178.2. I lift 3-4 times a week and run about 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. I'm in a calorie deficit right now, but I'm lifting to…
  • Can someone please post or pm me a link to this product? I've got a birthday coming up and would love to read a bit more on this. Edit: Nevermind.....found it.
  • Thanks for the replies everyone. After posting this topic, I started looking at some BW exercises actually. I think that would be a good form a whole body workout that she'd be able to do anywhere.
  • As of now, I'm mixing my 1 scoop of protein powder with a serving (1/3 C) of fat free dry skim milk. It helps give it a more frothy fuller taste without adding a ton of calories (80 calories) not to mention is adds an additional 8 grams of protein with almost no fat. It also makes it a more filling midday snack for me. The…
  • I use the protein shakes for convenience for the most part. For my day to day, it's simpler for me to get 25g of protein from a shake rather than a meal. It's going to vary person by person, but I personally enjoy the taste and it provides a good nutritional snack. BTW, to the above poster, most "protein" shakes are going…
  • As of now I'm eating back the calories so it's evening itself out. That's likely what's keeping me from getting burnt out. And like I said, I would guess there's 2-3 days out of the week that I'm actually over in calories than the 1650, even with eating back the burned calories. I'm loosing at a nice rate of about 1.5 lbs…
  • As RGv2 points out, I think you've got the wrong idea right now. I'm 5'6" and 178 right now and my goal is like 170. I'm also lifting 3-4 times a week with a couple days of running thrown in. You don't need to lose anymore weight....in fact you should begin lifting weights progressively adding weight where you can. You're…
  • God forbid people outside of the US use this site and app. We're just about the only ones not using the metric system btw. If you're serious about using the site/app than you'll find time get everything in.
  • The workout can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be. The whole point of it is to challenge yourself at every turn. There are moves for the beginner and for the advanced, so you will definitely be able to do it! I did maybe the 1st 60 days of it at one point and I really liked the workouts. I ended up just doing the…
  • Just saw this....just did them. I pulled away from my computer and while still sitting in my chair looking cool as co-workers walked by I knocked out 100 at a time. Get going people!
  • That does make sense. When I originally started back up working out, my thought was to do the whole chest/tricep and back/biceps workouts. But my older brother who worked out with a personal trainer for a couple years said that it's best to do single muscle groups on individual days, which also makes sense. But, I find…