tssweety Member


  • I'm having this problem and have had it before? It's time consuming to begin with and now it won't save. Very frustrated.
  • Hi I am Trisha and I live in Middle Tennessee on the Cumberland Plateau! I love Tennessee. I am origionally from NJ, then Pa., then Florida and haved lived here for 7 years. I am married to a wonderful husband and have 3 boys. I am kind of new to running. A few years ago I ran/walked 3 5ks and then just stopped running and…
  • Hi there! You are not alone!! It is frustrating and sometimes we just have to vent and then keep going, which I know is what you are doing!! Our bodies sometimes do what it wants even when we are doing all the right things. It is happening to me right now, which is why i joined my fitness pal. You can do this and you are…