

  • 1. I'm worth it 2. I am thrilled with my results thus far 3. I had a very unhealthy fat-ful dinner yesterday and actually felt queasy and physically ill after all the good eating I've been doing. Quite a testament to eating healthy and feeling good!
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing, it will keep me motivated, and I can't wait for it to happen to me!:flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all for your advice to talk to my doctor. Still quite shell shocked at the diagnosis. Been taking calcium and vitamin D for the past 15 years and it just didn't do it! I swim at a place that also has a physical therapy part and I will see about getting a referal to one of the therapists.
  • Look at a pic of you naked at your heaviest. Remember....NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS.
  • I am concerned that you have an eating disorder. Please see a doctor or other health professional. My sister did not fit the typical anorexia-bullemia stereotype. It lead to suicide at 28. Please, for the love of your child, get help.
  • Mokey is right! You need a doc to figure out what you are treating.
  • I had the same injury from pulling down a mesquite branch on my ranch that actually wasn't dead and flung me back onto my right shoulder. It is a tendon injury most likely where the bicep tendon attaches to the shoulder. Not a tear, you would not be able to get your arm above your shoulder. Unfortunately it took about 4…
  • Yes. And Weight watchers IS a forever nutritional program. They teach you how to eat healthy in healthy portions. For life. Please don't let the water nazi's get you down!