

  • While I had two C-sections, was in great shape before both and was still very active and worked out regularly after them, I had to turn to Abdonminoplastic surgery. It was NOT an easy decision for me as I was always against cosmetic surgery, however after seeing 3 surgeons for consults, showing my friends and family the…
  • Have the dress altered, it's cheaper than a new dress but you need to give yourself a break and realize that 30-35lbs in 60 days in very un-healthy and not realistic. You're setting yourself up for more stress than you need at a time that should be fun and exciting! So cut yourself some slack, plan to lose 10-15 and worry…
  • Have you tried Agave nectar? I put it in my coffee and my boyfriend used to use sugar - then I started sneaking it in to his tea and he didn't even notice.