

  • I live in the uk, shall have to see what ones we do here. I'm on my feet all day lugging big trolleys of stock around so I thought that would keep me abit fit, and running up and downstairs to get things. Maybe if I put more energy into it that could contribute to exercise. I think because my gym doesn't open early enough…
  • waking up early gets easy, I have more engery in the mornings just not at night so never can be bothered, had the last week off work, went to the gym Saturday came down with a cold Sunday so I haven't been, still not better but might go tomorrow and do light excercise.
  • Thank you will give it ago, and check the site out :)
  • Thank you, my body clock did change I used to start work at 6am every morning and go to gym after which was nice. I have taken multivitamins active health for the past month and come out which 3 colds!! (Rubbish immune system) I also have some pre work out tablets to take so hoping they will give me some energy for the gym.