

  • I know how you feel. I smoked for many years and out of boredom, I started smoking again. It is very hard to smoke while training for a mini-marathon so I'm not smoking much at all. It would be easier for me to train had I never smoked AND had actually run before. Thing is, you have to let go of the past to truly enjoy…
  • I was doing 1200 a/day to lose weight but I ended up feeling so sick, confused (can't remember things,etc), and just no energy. Since I started tracking my calories and exercise on this site, I've found out that using that 1200 cal/day food limit (which isn't much food) while exercising was causing my body to need even…
  • The race is 13 miles and I have to keep an 18 minute mile pace. Can't be too hard. Thanks for the info. I was thinking I had to shove carbs down my throat for the next 2 months. Scary!!
  • Hey, I feel ya on the weight-loss struggle. I used to be norma (145) l, then after my son was born (he is 12 years old now) I weighed 225. When he was a year old, we moved to Alaska and I gained another 50 pounds. We moved to Georgia (2004 and yes, my hubby is a soldier so we move a lot) and I tried Jenny Craig. Lost 20…