

  • Welcome!!! I can tell you that the more I enter my stats, whether its food intake or exercise intake, it motivates me so much!!! I have lost 19 lbs and I need another 42 lbs to go. Its harder for me because I have a serious thyroid problem but I am learning that its not impossible. I just need to be patient, work hard, be…
    in Newbie Here! Comment by tlovio May 2011
  • I like to eat my carbs 1 hour before a workout and try to eat protein after. You are able to burn the carbs and get energy from it and then later you are just eating protein so your metabalism is still burning calories. I always have to eat 300 calories if I know that I am working out more than 45 minutes. If its 30…
  • Hi, how are you!!! I almost have the same issues as you and I think what has motivated me the most this time, is that i am turning 40 and I went to an event and I was in some of the pictures, which i added, and I look bad. Then, I realized I weigh more than when I gave birth to my son. Health reasons too. i have a bad…