Sydney, Australia
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Still here and have got right back into tracking everything plus training hard. I have a Personal trainer now and have a few goals for the next year.
Another vote for Endomondo here. I used it for all sports love how I can track my pace whilst kayaking. Only bummer is the fact it does not do that good a job when doing stationary exercises like treadmills etc.
Sydney Guy Here
Friday February 3 REMINDER: Please be sure to copy the most recent post, and be sure to get everybody's name —AND THE DATE — copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! Mollie - 1 Pam V - 2 Shreddin_mama 2 Dounia - 2 JDollS - 2 szeight - 1 Breanna-1 Evelynandchris- 1 Hbarney-2…
I just switch so that I track the time i am awake as one day, most nights at work i dont have much after midnight though. Maybe a cup of milo at around 3.