Jimmygymgym Member


  • So why do you have to eat carbs before doing cardio? I'm obese. Won't my body burn the fat as fuel? I'm not disagreeing; I'm just wondering about the physiology.
  • It's better to do 80% and not get hurt than 100% and get hurt so you have to stop working out. I've been serious about getting back into shape for about 10 years. I got into a cycle of starting to exercise, start feeling pretty good and push myself a little, start feeling really good and push it some more and then hurt…
  • 1) If you were having success before, you already know what to do. Just get back on it!!! You can do it. You know you can do it because you've already done it. 2) If you're going to eat emotionally, make yourself a nice big salad! It's amazing how much more healthy food you can eat for so many fewer calories. 3) If you're…
  • You get used to it. And if you replace most of your other beverages with water, it's not that hard. Remember, don't drink your calories. Most glasses people use are 12 - 16 oz. Two 12 oz glasses are the same as 3 cups. I drink that much after a workout! And if you don't drink anything for a few hours before bed, you…