

  • I, too, have the same problem. I'm 5 foot (153cm), and weigh 43.2 kg (95 pounds) and have this belly. I know that I have 29.5% body fat, and it's all in my belly, hips and bottom. I figure that if I lose some more weight (I've lost 1.5kg in a fortnight - I was 45kg), I'll lose some of the body fat and then I can work on…
  • Also, Pink Lady apples. Not sure if you can get them outside of Australia, but they taste like lemonade to me :)
  • A Milky Way is my treat. I have super-sweet teeth. I also work in a Medical Centre, which means we have an endless supply of lollies in each of the doctors rooms (for when the kids get their immunisation shots). It's tricky not to eat handfuls when stressed and/or tired. Milky Way - most definitely.