

  • Make that 354lbs..every pound counts!
  • I can definitely tell, especially in your face. I'm currently 355lbs...lost 10lbs since starting on 1/12/2011. I need to take a before picture! Keep up the great work. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • I have struggled with my weight all my life. Food was always given to me for comfort, so that is what I learned, and did all my life. I have never been "skinny". I was always the tallest and biggest kid in class. I stood out like a sore thumb, and I think that my self esteem suffered for that. I was in women's clothes in…
  • Even when I go off track, I still try to track the calories. It holds me accountable, and gets my butt back in gear after I see all the wasted calories. I find myself getting frustrated when I retain water...I stay under my calories each day (not terribly under, but under by a couple hundred) and don't lose. I get…
  • I love.... Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Supernatural Charmed...I'm beginning to see a pattern here... True Blood Dexter Bones Pretty Little Liars Criminal Minds and Jersey Shore is my guilty pleasure