

  • I'm pretty addicted to League of Legends. I've played games pretty much my whole life, in fact my main form of exercise since joining this site has been a DDR pad hooked to my pc and Stepmania. I used a heartrate monitor and it burns close to as many calories as running! I've also played and ran all the flavors of DnD and…
  • If you are eating way too little, your body can go into starvation mode, and you won't be hungry. You just kind of get used to that empty stomach feeling. But this will actually hurt your weight loss because you will hold onto food longer since your body thinks that you won't be eating again soon. It is good if you set a…
  • Cheat days are pretty good when done right. You need to check portions, but it is a time to not be as concerned with what you are eating. The increased calories can boost your metabolism and also check any feelings of deprivation that your diet may be causing. Also they are great for training you on how you should eat once…