

  • Thank you EVERYONE!!! I did my BMR on here and it is 1652 with my BMI at 31.8. I was told on another site I need to eat at least what my BMR was...So I was lost. So very lost. Again thanks any more input is very welcome!!!
  • This is a good idea!!! I am gonna try this!!! =0) A glass before my cup of coffee.
  • I got a water bottle from Target its pretty cool. The middle has a part that you freeze so your water stays cold. Also I add lemon juice to my water. Because honesty water alone is just so boring!!! LOL The lemon gives it a little flavor && helps me drink more of it. Since I got that bottle I am drinking 2/3 of them a day.…
  • IDK about keepnig cool but sweating is good while working out!!! So dont be embarrassed even though I do know what you mean about not wanting to go because you do sweat. Just keep at it. You will be happy you did in the end. =0) Good Luck.
  • Wow!!! This is so amazing!!! Especially to those of us who don't need to lose 100 pounds!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!