sassyii Member


  • Chocolate, real chocolate I will never give up! Sugar I can live without, but not chocolate and coffee! Everybody has there own thing. :)
  • Rant away! It is even more frustrating when I see such a trait show in myself - it is easy to fall into the trap - but it helps when someone reminds us not to go down that road. Then I have to kick my own backside, which is tricky but can be done ! :)
  • Good idea folks, I'll work on water too! (and meet my CICO goals :) I hope
  • I too believe CICO is a big part, but of course metabolism, hormones etc., can also play a significant part. Finding activities that you love to do, can really help. I did not realize how much until my back screwed up and I cannot do some of my favourite activities. But I found I quickly starting using the back problem as…
  • Hi - just joined and thought I better at least start with an achievement for today! I want to spend 1 hour in the gym today. I want to keep my calories under or at my goal!
  • Congratulations, you are going in the right direction. Think I better get on that train myself. About a year and half ago, I lost over 30 pounds in a "biggest loser" competition at work, but now I am quickly going the other direction. Finally stepped back on the scale and I have gained 15 lbs - since my lowest weight about…
    in friends Comment by sassyii October 2012