

  • I forced myself to get rid of soda cravings with club soda and lime...it works and zero cal
  • You're right.its hard enough to loose weight. We need encouragement.not negativity..
  • Same here. Too fit the girls the shoulders are too big. The first thing I did when I lost 40 pounds two years ago was by shirts that fit they still only went down from did to d,but things fit nicely.some women loose it there first.I never lost that much.
  • You're right .Diet soda makes you brain think you are eating sugar and you crave it more. Plus it makes you bloated. It's so bad for us in so many ways I kicked the 5 a day habit a few years ago.
  • I've fighting the same battle.check with your doctor to have your thyroid tested.I works against us. I have to stay away from any processed and flour products to keep the weight off.good luck and keep up the good work
  • It seems to be theme.Some people just don't have to struggle with weight so don't get or understand the ups and downs we go through. It is nice to have a place to help and know we are not alone in our venture.xo
  • Same reasons I joined, I'm rarely new too and I lost two pounds this week.love the support and checking in with the food diary helps me stay on track. Nice to meet you.
  • I'm with you it's been hard to keep on track.I lost 40 ponds a year and half ago, then gained 20 back and can't get back on track. Check in with me daily we can push each other....I just need to answer to someone to help me stay away from the snacking.
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