

  • I used to hate tomatoes. And now I'm obsessed! Love them. ha! I need to try more fruit and veggies but I'm not sure what to do with them sometimes. I would like to include them in a meal/dish not alone most of the time. I've been wanting to try Hummus! It sounds yummy.
  • I joined January 12, 2012 Lost 9lbs so far. At the beginning,I logged all my food but I was obsessed so much it became unhealthy and was just stressing me out so I only log sometimes now. I log my exercise though, so I keep on track. And I'm eating healthy (fruits, veggies and such) but need to be better about that still.…
  • I've been doing the shred for a few weeks now. I don't do it everyday, I mix it up with a Billy Blanks DVD and walking (I've also been bad and missed a few days!). I'm still doing level 1 right now but I really like the DVD. I have started to mute JM's voice though lol, I just feel like I've heard what she's saying tooooo…
  • Current - 16 Goal - 12/10 Fantasy - 8/10 I still want to be a bit curve-y but my goal/fantasy might change once I get to a 12!
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