Charliejeorge Member


  • I get the same way. We get in "food ruts" a lot! I use skinnytaste lots, and some of our favorite dinners are taco salad, baked chicken with roasted sweet potato, and spaghetti squash lasagna. I asked for healthy meal suggestions on the bee, I'd do a search on there and see what you can find. I'll bet there's lots of good…
  • Same! I really tried to talk myself out of it, I have myself a lot of excuses and then I thought I'd better just do it since I'd put it on here! I did 30 DS And now I'm waiting for my piloxing class to start. Good work so far ladies!!
  • Piloxing is a Pilates/boxing/dance fitness class. It's easy choreography done to loud dance music. It's a blast and stinking hard. I'm sweating after the warm-up lol. Also, great plan! Lots of variety which makes me stick to it more because I don't get bored :)
  • I'll be honest - I wasnt planning on working out today... AND I had McDonalds for breakfast today... I havent done that in YEARS and have been fighting a temptation for days and finally caved :( I will do JM 30 Day Shred level one when I get home tonight. November is going to be a healthy month!
  • Hey Bees! I'm Jodie, Charliejeorge on WB. I have been on the "getting healthy" train since Feb 2009. I lost 20 lbs for my BFF's wedding by following Weight watchers, and continued to lose another 45 lbs over the next 2 years. I hit a brick wall about 2 years ago where I couldnt lose anything no matter what I did. I am 5'6…