shadow9012 Member


  • I would love new friends for support! Feel free to add me
  • I think its ok to eat a couple hundred over 1200,I do a few days a week,I have lost 28 pounds so far! and I know what you mean about finding time to workout,I have 3 jobs and am so tired at the end of the day,but I somehow find 20-30 min a night to do a workout video,good luck!
  • I am the same as you,I work 3 jobs and am walking almost 12 hours a day at times! at first I found it hard to shop every week for fresh fruits and veggies when I could easily just get junk to put in my lunch bag! but now everynight I make a little time to prepare a salad for the naxt days lunch and usually just put in a…
  • I eat 1200-1400 cals M-F and on weekends I eat about 1600.weekends are hard for me also!! but If I know I am going to eat out on Sat night,I eat real light the rest of the day! I am losing an average of 2-3 pounds a week..Good Luck!
  • my advice is ,dont step on the scale everyweek.I have heard that the first few weeks is water gain,they say sometimes at first the scale doesnt change and I have even heard of people gaining a couple pounds because of the water!!! they say how you can really tell is how your clothes are fitting.:) I hope this helps,and…