

  • Ive just been walking everywhere instead of drivin,it has give me an appetite tho espec in the morning x:yawn:
  • Hey ye i totally agree you get to the point were you cant phisically force anymore, i went to see a dietician and she told me to start havin milkshakes with full fat milk and also adding milk powder ive started that this week, and its not too bad been adding a bit of strawberry nesquick for the taste,although i cant move…
  • Thanks Neliel :embarassed: ,this site isnt just for people trying to loose weight,it works both ways. And it can be really hard. Were all here for the same reason at the end of the day because we want support,nice to know some people are capable of giving it. Scarletblue do you know what she is doing to try and gain weight…
  • Thank you for the support ive jus been trying to keep to my 2000 calorie a day it was so hard at 1st but now i think my body is getting use to it and today is the first day ive managed to go just over 2000,i can notice a difference in myself already,thanks for the msgz tho its realy good on here and nice to talk to people…