randyfugate Member


  • The drinking is a curious and unfortunate thing. Self medicating for some deeper ugliness perhaps? Weve all been in those dark places in our lives and each have to choose how to respond and endure. Drinking is as you are aware not the way to cope and neither is pills or overeating. Find a babysitter and loose the alcohol…
  • 500 - 700 calories is not safe for virtually anyone. You risk a host of metabolic issues that can prove very troublesome, not to mention the whole concept of the body going into starvation mode and retaining as much of the calories consumed. I do not recommend going below 1200 calories per day for anyone.
  • Remaining humble, helpful and non critical can be a challenge for me, apparently human failing. I have another 47 pounds to go and that is my focus, however I now feel this compulsion to want to help everyone experience the advantages I have already seen! Being a passionate advocate of weight loss is a perfect outlet for…
  • Whats your general health? Not to indiscreet, but is your bowel and bladder function normal aka are you pooping and peeing normally, excessively etc? How closely are you monitoring your sodium intake and is it excessive? Any history of heart or BP issues whatsoever?
  • Facebook is the destroyer of so many lives and diverts your attention away from your goals. They are nothing more than a corrupt organization that logs, filters, censors and uses everything you say on their website for their own nefarious & greedy purposes. Every moment you spend on Facebook is a minute away from people…
  • Are you putting on muscle weight with all your activity? How do you feel you look in terms of change in size?
  • Are you putting on muscle weight with all your activity? How do you feel you look in terms of change in size?
  • Please change your internal dialogue and don't ever think or say to yourself "why puny weakling, why should I bother continuing to lift" A couple thoughts from a wonderful mentor, whose message has far exceeded his years. I speak of Napoleon Hill. "The most important thing is to pretend, as best you can, that something is…
  • Stevie Wonder could see the difference! Well done!!!!!!
  • You are beautiful! Well done! I am sure your Husband is extremely proud of you!