ladybey Member


  • HI, I used to go through 4-5 pairs of Running Shoes in a year. They say that a good pair of Shoes should last 300-350 miles. When you think about it, it really isn't a long time. I buy my SHoes from Road Runner Sports. They have a great variety of Shoes, and their Reps there are very knowledgeable. I would recommend that…
  • HI, First of all welcome to this site. Secondly that is wonderful that you are feeling more energetic. What I have learned for myself is not to think of this as a diet. I think of it as a new and healthy way for me to be eating for the rest of my life. I didn't have alot to lose, but I do need to lose my weight due to…
  • Hi, Which 30 day shred are you talking about? Is it Jillian Michaels? I have that one and just got her new ripped in 30 days. If it is the Jillian I would also love to do this. If I know I hve to be accountable to someone I can stay on track. Let me know. Thanks :)