

  • Welcome to the healthier side...Ranae.R Anyways, I'm pretty new at this also (2 weeks) and haven't got all the answers yet. But so far I am meeting my goals. My daily caloric intake was suggested by the computer according to my weight loss goals and starting weight. After a few days of eating right, I was comfortable…
  • I like to get going with this banana/berry smoothie a couple days/week 1/4 cup orange juice 1/2 cup plain, low-fat yogurt 1/2 small, peeled ripe banana 1/4 cup stemmed, sliced strawberries honey to taste 1 1/2 tablespoons vanilla soy protein powder Place all the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth.
  • Hey there....I've never been on anything that resembles a diet. Around about Christmas time, I realized that I was getting really round. Nevertheless, I was in denial about my weight and my subsequent eating habits. Since then I started to be conscientious of what was entering the mouth, and I have lost 10lbs. already.…