

  • Sugar, like nicotine, caffeine, etc - is addicting to your body. If you stop all refined sugar you will stop this circle of binging on sugar. Eat balanced, reasonable calories - get your "sugar " from natural fruit, or hey - chew brown rice 50 times until you can feel the sugar. It is impossible for some of us to just have…
    in Help Me! Comment by catemar June 2011
  • oh you are making me hungry. Yummy food, primarily veg - so you are in luck. Just easy on the white rice and meat with sugar in sauce...Delicious food. Have a great trip. Tofu, veg, broth, pickle (kimchee) tea, fish, grilled anything except maybe bbq stuff that has sugar in marinade...
  • well the nitrates and nitrites and sodium in pepperoni and not healthy even if you don't want to lose weight. (don't shoot the messenger). refined flour likewise. Make a pizza using whole wheat flour or ww mixed with 1/4 corn meal and less that usual amount of olive oil, use turkey sausage in small slices, small amount of…