Jemma, One thing I've found on this site is a lot of people who will support your efforts and give you great advice! I want to take a second and remind you that there is only 1 Jemma in the world! YOU are it! The next time you feel this need to compare yourself to someone else, remind yourself that you can't because they…
I completely agree with what KatissimusDor suggested! You can't go wrong with a good set of dumbbells and an adjustable bench. The main thing I would recommend is not the equipment but a good workout plan that challenges you and keeps you motivated to keep at it. Sounds like you'll have the start of a great home gym and…
We are the same age! :-) I'll be 48 in July! Having to overcome concerns related to a medical condition is familiar to me as well. I've been a Type 1 diabetic since I was 14 and I have to factor every activity and food/supplement I put in my body in relation to insulin dosages and how my blood sugars are affected. I'm…
Thank you! I appreciate the insight and the inspiration! The fact that you broke 3 vertebrae and are doing Insanity is amazing! I've been on nerdfitness, it fits me to a T! LOL I'm finishing my first round of P90X3 and have really enjoyed it so far!
On behalf of my gender I feel I should apologize for all the jerks out there! My wife and I have been married for almost 16 years, and while our weights have fluctuated, our feelings toward each other never have. You have to want to get healthy for the right reasons that have nothing to do with what others may think about…
I haven't done T25 but I hear great things about it and it is only 25 minutes long so that's always nice! LOL I've been doing the new P90X3 because it is only 30 minutes each day and I think you have to like the "trainer". I enjoy Tony Horton's sense of humor and the fun he puts in his workouts!
First of all, I want to tell you that the advice you have gotten on here is very good! Make friends on MFP and ask them to help you stay accountable. Also, it gives you the opportunity to help others who are some steps behind where you are. I would encourage you with 3 things if I may. First, remember the words "BABY…